> 春节2024 > 过年了孩子开始干什么英语




Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is also known as Lunar New Year, which is based on the lunar calendar. During Spring Festival, families gather together to celebrate and welcome the new year. People decorate their houses with red lanterns and paper cuttings to bring good luck and prosperity. We also clean our houses thoroughly to get rid of any bad luck from the previous year. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off to scare away evil spirits. Everyone wears new clothes and exchanges red envelopes filled with money as a symbol of good fortune. The highlight of the festival is the reunion dinner, where family members come together to enjoy delicious foods, such as dumplings, fish, and sticky rice cakes. We also visit relatives and friends, offer prayers at temples, and watch traditional dragon dances and lion dances. It is a time of joy, happiness, and renewal.


During the Spring Festival, there are several important traditions and activities that take place in a specific order. First, people start by preparing special foods such as bacon, sausage, and dumplings. These foods are typically homemade and symbolize abundance and good luck for the coming year. Many families also make sticky rice dumplings called \"zongzi\" to honor an ancient poet. After preparing the food, families clean their houses to remove any bad luck and welcome the new year with a fresh start. It is believed that a clean house will invite good luck into the family. Then, families decorate their homes with red lanterns, couplets, and other auspicious decorations. Red symbolizes good fortune and happiness, and these decorations are believed to bring prosperity to the household. Finally, the family gathers for a reunion dinner on the eve of the Lunar New Year. This dinner is a time for family members to come together, enjoy delicious food, and exchange blessings for the new year. It is a joyful and auspicious celebration that marks the beginning of the Spring Festival.

小学生用new, year\'s day(新年)作题目的英语作文怎样写?_作业帮

New Year\'s Day, also known as the first day of the year, is a special day that marks the beginning of a new year according to the Gregorian calendar. On this day, people around the world celebrate with various customs and traditions. In my country, New Year\'s Day is a time for new beginnings and resolutions. People often set goals for themselves and reflect on the past year. It is a day filled with excitement, hope, and anticipation for what the future holds. Families and friends gather together to celebrate, exchange gifts, and enjoy special meals. Fireworks and festive decorations fill the air, creating a vibrant and joyful atmosphere. It is a time to cherish and appreciate the love and blessings in our lives. New Year\'s Day is a significant holiday that brings people closer and encourages them to start the year with positivity and enthusiasm.


5.昨晚,孩子们敲了邻居家的门并做了恶作剧。Last night, children knocked on their neighbor\'s doors and played pranks. Prankster children are common during festivals, as they find joy and excitement in mischievous activities. Although these pranks may cause temporary surprise or annoyance to the neighbors, it is all in the spirit of fun and celebration. It is a way for children to express their happiness during the festive season. However, it is important to remind children to be respectful and considerate towards others while enjoying the festivities.

Spring Festival是什么意思

Spring Festival是中国传统节日——春节的意思。用作名词,注意两个单词的首字母必须大写,一般还需要在前面加上定冠词\"the\"。春节是农历新年的重要节日,也是中国最盛大的传统节日之一。Spring Festival庆祝的时间通常在1月底到2月中旬,整个节日持续约15天。在这期间,人们会贴春联、放鞭炮、拜年、吃团圆饭、赏花灯等等传统习俗。Spring Festival以其独特的文化内涵和欢乐气氛而闻名于世。


过年穿新衣服的英文翻译是 \"Wearing new clothes for the Spring Festival\". It is a tradition in many cultures to wear new clothes during the Spring Festival as a way to symbolize a fresh start and bring good luck for the coming year. Children, in particular, look forward to this tradition and take delight in selecting and wearing their new outfits. The colorful and festive attire adds to the joyful atmosphere of the festival. Wearing new clothes during the Spring Festival is not only a tradition but also a way to express happiness and optimism for the future.


\"新年\"可以用英语写作\"New Year\"。同时,还可以表达祝福的句子,如 \"Happy New Year\" 或者 \"Wishing you a prosperous New Year\"。新年是全球共同庆祝的重要节日,人们通常在这一天庆祝、祝福并展望新的一年。此外,还可以用一些习惯表达来祝福他人,如 \"Good luck, good health, and happiness throughout the year\" 或者 \"May the new year bring you joy and success\". 这些表达都带有对他人幸福和美好未来的美好祝愿。


1.他在准备过新年。He is preparing for the New Year. 在春节来临之前,人们会忙着准备各种庆祝活动。清扫和装饰房屋,准备食物和礼物,以及制定新年计划等等。所有这些准备工作都是为了迎接新年的到来,并以幸福和欢乐的方式庆祝这个重要的节日。


1、每年春节孩子们都会拿到零花钱.1. Every year during the Spring Festival, children receive pocket money. 这是在中国的春节习俗中非常普遍的现象。家长通常会在春节期间给孩子们一些零花钱,以表达对他们的关爱和祝福。这也是孩子们期待的一部分,他们可以用这些零花钱购买自己喜欢的东西或者保存起来作为未来的储蓄。

A day in my winter holiday用英语写哦

A day in my winter holiday. In this Spring Festival, I really had a good time. 在寒假里,我度过了一个愉快的春节假期。 In the morning, I got up early and went to the temple with my family to pray for blessings and good luck for the new year. After that, we had a delicious reunion dinner at home, prepared by my mom. The table was filled with all sorts of traditional dishes and desserts. We enjoyed our meal and shared stories and laughter. In the afternoon, we visited our relatives and exchanged red envelopes with them. It was always fun to see my cousins and play games together. In the evening, we watched a traditional dragon dance performance in the local park. The colorful dragons and lively music filled the air with excitement and joy. It was a memorable day filled with love, happiness, and good fortune. Overall, my winter holiday during the Spring Festival was a time of family bonding, celebration, and creating wonderful memories.